Wonder Slave Trainer game v0.5

Wonder Slave Trainer | Episode 0.5

Wonder Slave Episode 0.5 is focusing on a special “Villains vs Superheroes” system as a major update in the game. The Wonder Woman storyline is also moving ahead. Your wonder slave gets a new Extreme Gangbang training practice. In addition, there is a new capability for unlocking the events depending on a chosen difficulty in the game.

Let’s take a look at new stuff.

Extreme Gangbang Training

What really makes you such a brilliant villain is the scope of your imagination. You’re a master at jokes and mind games.

You like playing games. Even more, you love to play games with superheroes. And for your games, most often you need pieces. Minions are your pieces. You create the game.

Wonder Slave

Warming up before training.

Wonder Slave

Trap for Superheroines

Not for nothing, you’re considered a criminal genius. You’re clever, chaotic, and fast-paced. Your mind bounces all over the place and confuses everyone around you.

Wonder Slave

Once again, your lateral thinking allowed you to get ahead of your enemies.

You used Wonder Woman as bait to lure her teammates into a trap. You successfully took down the threat posed by Justice League.

A bunch of the pompous superheroes broken into your humble abode of chaos was trapped. With all your wit, you’ll show them what the consequences are for encroachment on your precious world, and your no less valuable self.

New Captives

It’s no secret that superhero costumes mean everything for these arrogant beauties. It’s how they present themselves to the world. Without their suits, they lose their heroic essence.

Wonder Slave

Of course, you’ll help them get rid of these stupid rags under which they hide their vulnerability. Let them show everyone their true selves.

Wonder Slave

It’s a time to get down to business, villain! It’d be rude to keep the sexy girls waiting. 🤣

Time to Party

Bada bing, bada boom! Three spoiled superheroines are in your hands. They got a little obedience issue but the consummate bad guy like you can handle it. Which one of them should be taught a lesson first?

Wonder Slave
Wonder Slave
Wonder Slave

Small Victories Lead to Big Wins

Every villain has bad days and good days. Track your small wins. They will eventually add up to something great.

Well, it’s important to celebrate your victories. It’s the perfect opportunity to blow off some steam.

Wonder Slave

So now you’ll celebrate every major progress you’ve achieved in enslaving Wonder Woman.

A Bukkake Queen

You’re a great mind of our time, aren’t you, Mr. J? You know practically everything there is to know on earth and in all other dimensions that are and ever were.

For some reason, the superhero upstarts haven’t still realized that the world is just your playground. Everything in life is a joke and the chaos is all there.

As superheroes keep chasing rainbows and jousting at the windmill, you got something to show the world – new videos with one talented bukkake party girl.

What could be better than having a bukkake party with Wonder Woman?

Doctor to the Rescue

Feeling burned out? The stress caused by an endless battle against Wonder Woman’s hard-headedness and the resulting fatigue can unsettle even the greatest mind of the criminal world. But you’ll never let circumstances and the feeling of tiredness sabotage your villain business thriving.

You need a change.

Clearly, your team will be doing much better with some new blood coming in. Somebody new with novel and good ideas. Preferably a beautiful woman with big boobs and not a terribly low IQ.

Actually, you’ve got a great candidate who meets all your requirements. So it’s time for decisive action, rather than mindless chatter.

Welcome smart, sarcastic, and sexy villainess, Dr. Hypno, as a new team member.

She has got big tits, a high IQ, and she’s damned good at her job.

Doctor Hypno can put others in a trance, making them highly suggestible and directly influencing their minds to their commands.

She is here to save the day. Her hypnotic skills are really phenomenal. So let’s give Dr. Hypno a chance to demonstrate her abilities. Who wants to be a test subject? Your henchmen?

Visit Hypno Lab and use Dr. Hypno’s services to achieve a new level of Wonder Woman’s mind control, get Wonder Woman’s lust, and earn extra money.

Good luck, my dear agent of chaos!

Use your abilities and you can become the greatest villain of all time.

Wonder Slave Trainer 0.5.3 is out.



  • Added Hypno Lab mechanics.
  • Added a new character – Dr. Hypno (available on +3 Mind Control).
  • Added a new story: Meeting with dr. Hypno (day 4).
  • Added 3 new Bukkake endings animations.
  • Updated GUI.
  • Increased starting money amount.
  • Fixed time error if you visit Ivy’s or Catwoman’s shop.

v. 0.5.2

  • Added 3 Major XXX Bad Endings with Superheroines.
  • Added Extreme Gangbang with Wonder Woman.
  • Added Harley & Joker festive event.
  • Added new hidden game mechanics – “Director” aimed at balancing the gameplay.
  • Reworked the Event System. It’s now based on the gameplay difficulty.
  • Balanced the difficulty levels. The Easy Difficulty mode has been balanced by adding a 25% roll bonus. The Middle Difficulty has been improved by adding a 10% roll bonus.
  • Balanced the Black Widow’s events. The Black Widow’s recovery time (after intensive interrogations) is increased: 1-3 days for Hard difficulty, 3-5 for Middle, and 5-7 for Easy difficulty.
  • Improved the game frame rate. It’s now set to 30 FPS.
  • Rewritten a lot of dialogues.
  • Updated the Mind Control descriptions for Easy, Middle, and Hardcore Training (1-75 Mind Control).
  • Fixed bug with missing the “Final Battle” event. This event now starts with the “Fall of Wonder Woman” scene.

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